Welcome Avalonian!
You have succesfully registered as an Avalon member. We look forward to seeing you soon! Feel free to take a look around on the website for all the information you need.
For communication, we work with both email and whatsapp. To join our whatsapp groups, please click the links below:
General: Click here
In the general group, all the Avalonians come together for a chat and it’s where they’re able to ask questions.
Communications: Click here
The communications group is used to share important updates and information.
Water polo: Click here
As water polo trainings and competitions can require more coordination from our members, there is an extra groupchat where details may be discussed.
To make sure you don’t miss any event, you can add our Calendars with the links below:
Events Calendar: Click here
This calendar shows all of our Activities, special trainings and competitions.
Swim Practices: Click here
This calendar shows our three practices every week. And shows when we practice is cancelled.
Water polo Practices: Click here
This calendar shows our two Water polo practices every week. And shows when we practice is cancelled.