Charity Goal

Save with a kit

The world is changing, and threats can come from anywhere. Climate change brings new challenges. The Dutch Weather Institute (KNMI) predicts that extreme weather will become more common, such as heavy rain, stronger storms, or long dry and hot periods. The Red Cross in Tilburg wants everyone to manage on their own for the first 72 hours of a crisis. We help vulnerable people prepare by providing them with an emergency kit.

You can already start acquiring donations with your team as soon as you signed up! The team captain can create a new team via the ‘Start actie’ button, which the team members can join with their own page afterwards. If you signed up as an individual, you can immediately make your own page via the ‘Start actie’ button as well.

We would greatly appreciate your donation, thank you so much!

Help vulnerable groups

The Red Cross Works with housing organizations to deliver kits to elderly residents. They also collaborate with community leaders to explain the kits to people with a migration background in a way they understand. Finally, they partner with organizations that work with people with low literacy.

In Tilburg

In the city of Tilburg, heat is a bigger problem because of the many buildings and less green areas. Tilburg’s history as an industrial city led to the removal of trees and bushes, and the sandy soil it’s built on heats up quickly. With a large population of vulnerable people, due to low income, migration, and an aging population, residents in Tilburg are extra at risk during power outages or heatwaves.

What is in an emergency kit?

The emergency kit consist of basic, but essential, items. The Red Cross can provide an emergency kit for one househould with a donation of €88.-. The following items are included in this:

  • Hygiene products (toilet paper, soap, toothpaste, toothbrush)
  • Emergency blanket
  • First aid kit
  • Multi-tool (pocketknife)
  • Waterproof matches
  • Candles or tea lights
  • Whistle
  • Flashlight (with batteries) or hand-powered torch
  • Battery-powered radio
  • Power bank

If you have any more questions, send us a DM on Instagram @swimforcharity2025 or an email to

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