The confidant (Vertrouwenscontactpersoon) is there for members when they have issues related to Avalon, be it a complaint or if they don’t feel safe within the association. They may be contacted at Everything discussed with them is confidential.
Important: The Confidant is for all members, and subjects are never too small or too large.
To give more clarity about what happens when you contact the VCP, feel free to have a look at the following decision tree:

The VCP is bound to certain rules and guidelines, please consult the VCP Guidelines for more information.
Marijn Merkx

My name is Marijn Merkx. I graduated in Business Innovation and currently work (🍔) for Enexis. Originally, I’m from Breda, but I moved to Tilburg one year into my bachelor’s. My first year in Tilburg, I mostly swam alone because I wasn’t aware of Avalon’s existence. Luckily, Ties scouted me and I’ve been with Avalon ever since.
You can always come to me with anything that’s on your mind. You can email me at: Alternatively, you can always come up to me at practice, Avalon events or text me (you can find my number in the Avalon group chats).
Julia de Kogel

My name is Julia de Kogel. I have been playing water polo at HZV Lutra in Helmond since I was 8 years old, and when I started studying in Tilburg back in 2013, I immediately joined Avalon as well. I graduated in 2021 and am now working for an energy supplier, but you can still find me at (almost) every Tuesday and Wednesday practice, either in the pool or as a water polo trainer.
You can always come to me with anything that’s on your mind. You can email me at: Alternatively, you can always come up to me at practice, Avalon events or text me (you can find my number in the Avalon group chats).