Board 2024- 2025 | Avalove

Vera Smits – Chairwoman
Hey lovely people, I am Vera Smits and this year I will be the chairwoman of TSZWV Avalon❤🖤. I am 19 years old and in the third year of my study psychology, with a major in Economic psychology🧠. Originally I am from Horst, a nice town in the northern of Limburg. But I’ve been living in Tilburg for more than a year now and with Avalon it has truly become my home🏠. I’m very much looking forward to this year and hope to make a lot of fun memories with you guys!🫶🏻

Hilde Koole – Secretary & Swim Commissioner
Hi everyone! I am Hilde Koole, 19 years old and this year I will be the Secretary and Swim Commissioner of Avalon. ❤🖤 One year ago I left the peaceful Zeeland to study Psychology in Tilburg.📚 I have only been a member of Avalon for 1 year, but I already feel completely at home.✨In the upcoming year, I hope to give you all the same feeling!🫶

Elise Rothuis – Treasurer
Hii, name is Elise Rothuis and I am 20 years old. 1,5 years ago I left the beautiful Zeeland☀ to study Online culture: art, media and society at Tilburg university📖 Currently, I am doing a minor in marketing📈 I will be your treasurer for this season staying close to my habit of being a ‘ zuunige Zeeuw’💰 I look forward to seeing all of you during practice and at activities❤

Twan Schrover – Water Polo Commissioner
Hey peeps! My name is Twan Schrover and this year Ill be the waterpolo commissioner of TSZWV Avalon. I’m 25 years old and working parttime while following a few courses. Im originally from Rosmalen and moved to Tilburg 3 years ago. This is going to be my 4th year at Avalon and I’m looking forward to making the most of it!❤🖤

NSZ Foundation
The NSZ Foundation is the umbrella organization for every Dutch student swimming and water polo association.

Federation Of Student Sports Tilburg (FOSST) is the umbrella organization for all student sports associations in Tilburg.